
Showing posts from July, 2015

A Poem By Rebecca Simpore

  JESUS CHRIST   J esus you died for me to take away all of my past and future sins. E veryday I think of you and pray for protection at night. S o thirsty for your love and your guidance. U pon all the chaos going on in my life. S till you never left my side for even a minute.   C hrist, I can't live without you. H ear me please when I call out to you for help. R estore your faithfulness in my life. I need you more than a child need its mother and father. S ee you soon daddy till the day I see you face to face. T oday and more days to come, I will praise your name for all of your goodness. Daddy please come soon! I want to live in your mansion with you in heaven! I love you so much daddy!!! Forever and always.            -Rebecca S.            


You probably know what I'm going to be talking about in this blog due to my title so I hope that what I'm about to write will sink to your heart and that god will talk to you through this blog. Now, I know that each one of you that is reading this blog have sinned several times including me because first of all, god did not makes us perfect because if we were perfect and had no sins in our life, then god would not have send his only son Jesus Christ to die in this world for us. And second of all, if we tell ourselves that we have no sins in us then we would be calling god a liar. Each one of us sins in many different ways but we are not proud of it, or at least I'm not because I can't tell what each one of you are thinking in your minds but god. Some of the ways that I have sinned in my life are talking back to my parents when they say something to me, fighting with my brother, and doing things that pleases me instead of doing things that pleases my heavenly father

Fasting and Praying

Hey guys, I have decided to fast from July 20 through the 24th of 2015. I made this decision on my own because in the bible it states that if you want God to heal you of any diseases in your body or if you want deliverance, then fasting would be the best way to ask god for things because when you're fasting, it means that you're showing god that you believe that he's capable of answering all of your prayers . Next week while I'm fasting, I'm going to have to eat certain foods and drink certain drinks. I know that some of you will be thinking like "girl, what do you want to do to your body"? or, "are you out of your mind women"? But remember this, I'm fasting for a whole week because in my heart I want god to pour down his precious blood on me, the same blood that was shed on the cross for my sins. I also believe that while you're fasting, god is looking down at you and he's saying," wow! my daughter or my son are seeking me wit

Going To Church and Whitnessing Miracles From God

    On Friday July 11, me, my parents, and my brother went to a church in Maryland and let me just say that this church was extremely incredible because almost all of the people that attended this church were from Africa and they played some African songs that worshipped god. Whenever I entered the church, people were dancing all around while they singing and whenever you looked in their face, you could see all the joy and the love that they had towards god their father. whenever the pastor preached you could see people receiving the holy ghost and some of them were receiving miracles from god. What the pastor preached totally moved me because he was preaching about how Satan is always out there to destroy us and to ruin our lives, but when Jesus is involved, Satan has no power to ruin our lives or destroy us. He was also talking about how whenever Jesus came back to Jerusalem, there was a demon possessed man who had been possessed by demons but when Jesus approached him, he said

Trusting God With Our Problems

Have you ever been in a situation where you don't know what to do and then you suddenly loose hope and you tell yourself that there is no way that you can get out of this situation and then you even question yourself if God is even real? If you have then let me tell you that through all the struggles that you went through or had to face, God was right there right beside you and he never left your side, not even once. We need to always trust god even when things don't seem to go the way we planned it would. Sometimes we even ask god why he would let these things happen to us when we had been so obedience to him and do the things that he asks us to do. I know that trusting people is a very difficult thing to do, but with god you can always trust him because he will never fail you or reject you because you are one of his children and he loves you so so much. When we trust god we are letting him know that we believe that he can get us out of the mess that we're in and bring pea

My life as being a Christian!

Hi, my name is Rebecca and I want to share to you how God has been working through my life as me being a Christian and doing the things that he created me to do. Did you know that you're on a mission right now while you're living on earth? I know it may sound crazy but think about it. When god created you, he wanted you to go around all over the world and peach to people  about his goodness and about the things that we need to do and believe to get to where he is so that we can be with him for the rest of our lives! Being a Christian opened my eyes very wide to things I didn't know before. For example, it made me realize that I an being loved by the same person who made the sun and the moon, the stars in the sky, the planets and the atmosphere, and so much more. God blessed me so much because I wouldn't be who I am today if it weren't for him. In my heart he told me that I don't have to be afraid of anything because he holds my life in his hands and that I am hi