My life as being a Christian!

Hi, my name is Rebecca and I want to share to you how God has been working through my life as me being a Christian and doing the things that he created me to do. Did you know that you're on a mission right now while you're living on earth? I know it may sound crazy but think about it. When god created you, he wanted you to go around all over the world and peach to people  about his goodness and about the things that we need to do and believe to get to where he is so that we can be with him for the rest of our lives! Being a Christian opened my eyes very wide to things I didn't know before. For example, it made me realize that I an being loved by the same person who made the sun and the moon, the stars in the sky, the planets and the atmosphere, and so much more. God blessed me so much because I wouldn't be who I am today if it weren't for him. In my heart he told me that I don't have to be afraid of anything because he holds my life in his hands and that I am his and he is mine. Every single night, my dad would call me, my mom, and my brothers so that we could all gather in the living room and pray as a family. I really love this because we can use that opportunity as a family to ask god what we need and to ask him to lift all the burdens that are in our heart.
It also showed me that I can't called this earth my home because my true home is where Jesus is which is Heaven. Yes, god created me in his image, loves me so much that he sent his only son to come and died in my place, but he also promised that he will return again to come and get us once he is finished building all the mansions so that we can come and live in it.
I love living my life knowing who Jesus is and I believe that he's going to heal me one day because I have faith and through what he did through the cross I believe that my miracle is coming soon!!!!
If you don't know god, I encourage you to please open a bible one day and read through it because god is going to talk to you through the bible.  You will see how god is going to change your life and make you a brand new person. I want to see you in heaven with me whenever god returns for us!
I love you brothers and sisters and encourage someone who doesn't know Christ to really dig in the bible so that they can find him.
 Your sister in Christ!


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