Fasting and Praying

Hey guys,
I have decided to fast from July 20 through the 24th of 2015. I made this decision on my own because in the bible it states that if you want God to heal you of any diseases in your body or if you want deliverance, then fasting would be the best way to ask god for things because when you're fasting, it means that you're showing god that you believe that he's capable of answering all of your prayers . Next week while I'm fasting, I'm going to have to eat certain foods and drink certain drinks. I know that some of you will be thinking like "girl, what do you want to do to your body"? or, "are you out of your mind women"? But remember this, I'm fasting for a whole week because in my heart I want god to pour down his precious blood on me, the same blood that was shed on the cross for my sins.
I also believe that while you're fasting, god is looking down at you and he's saying," wow! my daughter or my son are seeking me with all of their heart and soul so I will provide because of their faith towards me.After I'm done fasting, I will be writing a new blog to tell you guys how it went and how god spoke to me while I was fasting.
I love you brothers and sisters!


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