You probably know what I'm going to be talking about in this blog due to my title so I hope that what I'm about to write will sink to your heart and that god will talk to you through this blog.
Now, I know that each one of you that is reading this blog have sinned several times including me because first of all, god did not makes us perfect because if we were perfect and had no sins in our life, then god would not have send his only son Jesus Christ to die in this world for us. And second of all, if we tell ourselves that we have no sins in us then we would be calling god a liar.
Each one of us sins in many different ways but we are not proud of it, or at least I'm not because I can't tell what each one of you are thinking in your minds but god. Some of the ways that I have sinned in my life are talking back to my parents when they say something to me, fighting with my brother, and doing things that pleases me instead of doing things that pleases my heavenly father(Jesus Christ). I remember one of the stories from the bible whenever the disciples wanted to cast the stones to the women that had sinned but when Jesus came he told them that the person that has never sinned before may cast the first stone to the women. When he said that, all of them threw the stones on the ground and then they all walked away. This is to tell you that every human being that god had created in his image is guilty from their actions. But the thing is that no matter how many times we have sinned in our life, god is faithful to forgive us through what he did for us on the cross.
Before you get excited about God forgiving you of your sins and letting you come to live with him in his kingdom (heaven), you should know that you should never take advantage of him by sinning on purpose and asking him to forgive you because this is not how it works. God forgives you if your apologize is coming from your heart and you never commit the sin that you had done before.
This is all I can tell you about sinning (even though there's more) but if you want to learn more than I encourage you to read your bible and you will learn more about god's faithfulness to forgive sins.
     -Rebecca S.


  1. Sin is a dark place. I'm glad that God can read our hearts to tell when we are truly sorry! It is amazing how he forgives us. Thanks for sharing, Rebecca!


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