Going To Church and Whitnessing Miracles From God

On Friday July 11, me, my parents, and my brother went to a church in Maryland and let me just say that this church was extremely incredible because almost all of the people that attended this church were from Africa and they played some African songs that worshipped god. Whenever I entered the church, people were dancing all around while they singing and whenever you looked in their face, you could see all the joy and the love that they had towards god their father. whenever the pastor preached you could see people receiving the holy ghost and some of them were receiving miracles from god. What the pastor preached totally moved me because he was preaching about how Satan is always out there to destroy us and to ruin our lives, but when Jesus is involved, Satan has no power to ruin our lives or destroy us. He was also talking about how whenever Jesus came back to Jerusalem, there was a demon possessed man who had been possessed by demons but when Jesus approached him, he said, "Satan get back."  and when those words came out of Jesus mouth, all of the demons that were controlling him all came out at the same time and the man was left in peace. Doesn't that just blow your mind? God gave  Jesus and us the authority to rebuke the devil when he comes with his ugly self and is out there to destroy us. At the end of the service, the pastor was calling all people that had been touched by the holy ghost and you could see many people that were going up front to the stage to share what god had done for them during the service. People had been healed of blindness, stomach aches that they had before they came to the service, back injuries, and so much more. Eventually when the pastor was done preaching and sharing people testimony, he made all the church take out a water bottle and lift it up in the air so that he can pray over the water meaning that once we drink the water that was prayed for, all the pain, heart aches, and diseases in our body were going to be gone forever and for good! After everybody had drank the water, people were going up to the front and were saying that when they had drank the water, they couldn't feel any pain in their body because Jesus took the pain away from their body. Just like in Luke 1 verse 37, it says "for with god nothing shall be impossible". And in psalms 64-66, it states that "make a joyful noise unto god all ye lands. Sing forth the honour of his name, make his raise glorious. Say unto god, how terrible art thou in thy works, through the greatness of thy power shall thine enemies submit themselves unto thee. All the earth shall worship thee and shall sing unto thee, they shall sing to thy name, Selah."  (Proverbs 66:1-4).
Your sister in Christ
     -Rebecca S.
I love you all brothers and sisters!


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