Trusting God With Our Problems

Have you ever been in a situation where you don't know what to do and then you suddenly loose hope and you tell yourself that there is no way that you can get out of this situation and then you even question yourself if God is even real? If you have then let me tell you that through all the struggles that you went through or had to face, God was right there right beside you and he never left your side, not even once. We need to always trust god even when things don't seem to go the way we planned it would. Sometimes we even ask god why he would let these things happen to us when we had been so obedience to him and do the things that he asks us to do. I know that trusting people is a very difficult thing to do, but with god you can always trust him because he will never fail you or reject you because you are one of his children and he loves you so so much. When we trust god we are letting him know that we believe that he can get us out of the mess that we're in and bring peace into our lives. Sometimes the enemy uses trust to get in our heads and tell us lies so that our faith with god would decrease and so that we can be in the dark instead of being in the light. For example, he might tell us things like "why are you worshipping a god who is letting bad things happen to you" or "if your god loves you then he would prevent these things from happening to you." But check this out, god gave you the authority to rebuke the devil whenever he comes in your life and to tell him to get,  back because your god "Jesus," gave you that authority when he died on the cross millions of years ago. Also, when we trust god with our problems they all fade away because we are showing god that we believe that he can do anything and that nothing is too hard or too easy that he can't do. Trust your heavenly father with all of your personal problems and don't let the enemy bring you down with his lies because you were made in his image and he will never let anything bad happen to you. If you are going through a difficult time right now then get on your knees and ask god for strength and guidance and also read his words { The Bible} so that he can strengthen your soul and lead you to the right path so that you won't get lost in life.
Your sister in Christ
           - Rebecca


  1. It's so great you trust in God the way you do, Rebecca! You truly are a light!


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