
Showing posts from December, 2016

Word of the year- OUTGOING

My word of the year would be outgoing because most people would consider me as a shy person especially in high school. I didn't like to talk to people that I didn't know and if a stranger wanted to start a conversation with me, I would just let that person talk while I listened. Outgoing means not caring what others have to say about you but just doing things that makes you comfortable and happy. To tell you the truth I have really mastered that because when I started college I made so many friends that I didn't know in high school because I talked more often and associated with people that I didn't even know. It was all worth it because by the end of the semester, I've gained so many friends from Georgia, California, Texas, and so many other places. I also gained a sweet loving friend named Jo Beth Dodds. She is one of the most sweetest person and she also encourages me to always stand up for myself and stick to what I believe in because God gave me a voice and a h

A Christmas Blog

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas you guys. This blog post will be about the birth of Jesus Christ our Lord and savior. Whenever Christmas comes around, people are focused on buying a Christmas tree and decorating the house for this season and what presents they're going to get for their kids that they miss out on the true meaning of Christmas. 19 years ago when I was just a child,, my main focus on Christmas was to make sure that I got a Barbie doll and other things that I would ask Santa for. I remember one Christmas, I got so mad because I didn't get everything that I wanted on my list that I even started a tantrum which made my parents very angry that I got sent to my room for at least an hour. needless to say, Christmas should be about the birth of Christ because if God Hadn't sent Jesus to be born in a major, then who would've shown us how to love one another, who would've taught us how to get to heaven and healed all of our disease? Who would've defeate

a poem called Jesus my savior by Rebecca

Who am I as a sinner to be loved by a perfect father What have I done to deserve you With a sinful heart that I am Your love abides in me Everywhere that I go you're there Everything that I do you see They call you the messiah, the lord of lords, king of kings, the most highest But what I call you is my father, my protector, my defender my everything You told me you had a plan for me You told me that you'll never leave me You told me that you'll fight my every battles And yet, you never broke your promise Thank you for my life thank you for my family thank you for my friends Thank you for your constant love I'm traveling through this world because my real home is with you But till then, see you soon father for the day that I'm reunited with you will be the happiest day of my life. By:       Rebecca S.  

Renee- I miss you

Hey guys. So I normally blog about Jesus whenever I'm blogging but instead, this post will be all about my favorite person in this world named Renee Young. First of all, I met Renee my sophomore year of high school. She had just started teaching and out of nowhere I ended up being in her class which I think was God plan for us all along. Renee and her husband Mark ended up moving to Richmond, Virginia because Mark got a job over there as a student pastor. It's been 7 months, if I'm correct, since I've been missing both of them terribly. Renee is the kind of person who would get concern if she saw that you weren't having a great day because honestly most teachers wouldn't care how your day is going. She knows when to have fun and when to get serious. It totally broke my heart when she told me that she was moving. Me and Renee had a special bond that I didn't have with anyone else. We would pray every morning in her class before starting the day. If something