a poem called Jesus my savior by Rebecca

Who am I as a sinner to be loved by a perfect father
What have I done to deserve you
With a sinful heart that I am
Your love abides in me
Everywhere that I go you're there
Everything that I do you see
They call you the messiah, the lord of lords, king of kings, the most highest
But what I call you is my father, my protector, my defender my everything
You told me you had a plan for me
You told me that you'll never leave me
You told me that you'll fight my every battles
And yet, you never broke your promise
Thank you for my life
thank you for my family
thank you for my friends
Thank you for your constant love
I'm traveling through this world because my real home is with you
But till then, see you soon father for the day that I'm reunited with you will be the happiest day of my life.
      Rebecca S.


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