Word of the year- OUTGOING

My word of the year would be outgoing because most people would consider me as a shy person especially in high school. I didn't like to talk to people that I didn't know and if a stranger wanted to start a conversation with me, I would just let that person talk while I listened. Outgoing means not caring what others have to say about you but just doing things that makes you comfortable and happy. To tell you the truth I have really mastered that because when I started college I made so many friends that I didn't know in high school because I talked more often and associated with people that I didn't even know. It was all worth it because by the end of the semester, I've gained so many friends from Georgia, California, Texas, and so many other places. I also gained a sweet loving friend named Jo Beth Dodds. She is one of the most sweetest person and she also encourages me to always stand up for myself and stick to what I believe in because God gave me a voice and a heart for a reason. Mostly, Jesus was the one who helped me to get out of my hiding shell and to become more active with others because after all that's how we form everlasting friendships and become strong in life. This coming new year, I will become outgoing in my classes and whenever my professors asks the class a question, I will be the first to raise my hand because it gives me confident that I am capable of doing anything and achieving my goals whenever I put my heart and mind into it.
             Your Sister in Christ
                       Rebecca S.

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  1. Hey Rebecca! I love your word! I think you will do great things in college by letting yourself be open to talking to other people more. You were always one of my very favorite students and I miss you so much.

    Love you,

  2. Thanks Renee for this encouragement. It means a lot to me. Love you so much.

  3. What a great word and wonderful goals for the new year! So happy to connect with you from the link up! :)


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