Renee- I miss you

Hey guys. So I normally blog about Jesus whenever I'm blogging but instead, this post will be all about my favorite person in this world named Renee Young. First of all, I met Renee my sophomore year of high school. She had just started teaching and out of nowhere I ended up being in her class which I think was God plan for us all along. Renee and her husband Mark ended up moving to Richmond, Virginia because Mark got a job over there as a student pastor. It's been 7 months, if I'm correct, since I've been missing both of them terribly. Renee is the kind of person who would get concern if she saw that you weren't having a great day because honestly most teachers wouldn't care how your day is going. She knows when to have fun and when to get serious. It totally broke my heart when she told me that she was moving. Me and Renee had a special bond that I didn't have with anyone else. We would pray every morning in her class before starting the day. If something was bothering me and I needed to tell someone she would be the one that I would go to because she totally gets me. She's not afraid to talk to her students (specific ones) about Christ which I think is bold and courageous because most teachers would fear that they could loose their job talking about religion to students in school. On the last day of school, I made her a scrapbook expressing my feelings to her and she give me a journal where I can write bible verses in but at the same time she wrote a heartfelt letter to me which almost made me cry. I miss her so much and I would do anything just to see that sweet face of hers. she brings so much joy in my life and it hasn't been the same since she left. Renee and Mark are great parents to their son Ezra and will soon be great parents to their daughter Piper. I hope someday to be the great mother that she is to my own kids and lead them to Christ like her and Mark are doing to Ezra. I love this girl so much and every night I pray for her and her family. God doesn't make mistakes and so to that, meeting this bundle of joy was no mistake at all but a blessing.


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