
Showing posts from March, 2017

Grateful for Renee Young

I decided to join Renee link up this month about being grateful for that special person in our life and I've decided that this post will be all about her since I'm truly grateful for her and seriously she has inspired me in so many ways. I met Renee my sophomore year of high school because she was my teacher. Everyone that knows me would agree that I am a shy person so I was really shy around Renee when I first met her. When I was in her class she was so kind to me. She loved taking pictures with me and loved me so much. At some point, I decided not to act shy around her anymore but to actually go to her class early in the morning to just hang out with her and to pray with her before we start the day. Praying with her every morning and taking about Jesus really brought us even more closer and I was so happy because I had gained a new sister in Christ through her. As one of her students, she was always patient with us and she did everything that she could to make us successful.

Where are you spending eternal life?

Heaven or Hell? Hello sweet brothers and sisters in Christ 😊 I’ve decided to write a post this week about where we would be spending eternal life when we die or whenever our heavenly father Jesus Christ descends from heaven to take his children home. Some people get offended when Christ Followers tell them that if they don’t follow Christ then there’s no way they can enter heaven or that they need to stop worshipping their fake idols and follow Christ before it’s too late. As a young child 19 years ago, my mom would always read me and my brother stories from the bible in the morning before we can start the day. I won’t be able to list all the stories in the bible because there’s like over 20 stories but some of the stories that I remember are the burning bush, the crucifixion of our lord and savior Jesus Christ, how Satan tempted Adam and Eve into eating the fruit from the forbidden tree, and so much more. She also told us about heaven and hell and told us that if we l

Some Encouragement

Hey sisters in Christ 😊 I have decided to participate in Renee link up this month which is about encouragement and we all know that occasionally we need someone to tell us, “girl, you are a doing a great job with what you do”, or “I’m so proud of you”. Well, I’m going to go really deep with this post to encourage anyone who feel helpless, maybe you’ve lost a loved one in your family and you’re in the process of recovering from your broken heart. Whatever it is, we are going to make it because we have each other to comfort and to bring peace and love into that beautiful heart of yours that God designed. Lost a loved one? It’s not over because you will see that loved one again in heaven. God never promised that we would stay on this earth forever. I hate saying this but eventually someday we will no longer be living on earth because once we die, we’re going to heaven. I like to think of it as a “see ya later” rather than, “oh well, it was nice knowing you”.   The same power