Where are you spending eternal life?
Heaven or Hell?
Hello sweet brothers and sisters in Christ😊
I’ve decided to write a post this week
about where we would be spending eternal life when we die or whenever our
heavenly father Jesus Christ descends from heaven to take his children home.
Some people get offended when Christ
Followers tell them that if they don’t follow Christ then there’s no way they
can enter heaven or that they need to stop worshipping their fake idols and
follow Christ before it’s too late. As a young child 19 years ago, my mom would
always read me and my brother stories from the bible in the morning before we
can start the day. I won’t be able to list all the stories in the bible because
there’s like over 20 stories but some of the stories that I remember are the
burning bush, the crucifixion of our lord and savior Jesus Christ, how Satan
tempted Adam and Eve into eating the fruit from the forbidden tree, and so much
more. She also told us about heaven and hell and told us that if we loved Jesus
with all of our hearts and did what He told us to do then there’s no reason to
be afraid of dying because we’ll be living in heaven with Jesus surrounded by
his angels to protect us. To tell you the truth, I’m not afraid of dying
because the life that god has given me on earth will be so much better when He
calls me home someday. But, I’m afraid for my grandma, grandpa, aunts and
uncles, and my cousins from both sides of my family, my mom and my dad side.
I’m not afraid for my parents because they’re the ones who introduced me to Jesus
and they always pushed me to always have faith in god because He has greater
plans for me that I don’t know about. I’m about to type something that might
offend you and if it does I’m truly sorry but, IF YOU HAVEN’T ACCEPTED JESUS INTO YOUR HEART AND YOU DON’T PLANNED TO
DO SO THAN THERE IS NO ROOM FOR YOU IN HEAVEN. I know what you’re thinking
right now based on what I just typed. I bet you’re saying, “Rebecca, you have
no right to tell me where I’m spending eternal life” or you’re saying, “well
Rebecca are you perfect like Jesus?” No, I’m not perfect like Jesus and I’m not
telling you that you’re going to hell. I’m just telling you that judgement is
coming soon and I don’t want you to miss out on heaven just because Satan won
you over by lying to you and really convinced you that there is no God. The
book of Revelation talks about the coming of Christ but it also talks about the
horrible events that will take place after Christians have disappeared from
this dark world and has entered the new world called heaven. In revelation 19:1 it states, “now I saw heaven opened and behold a
white horse. And He who sat on Him were called faithful and true and in righteousness”.
When Jesus returns it will be a wonderful day for believers but a
frightening day for the unbelievers. I
pray that you would receive Christ as your lord and savior and make him your
heavenly father so that we can celebrate together in heaven and not have to
worry about fear or being sick. Our old bodies will stay on earth but our new
bodies will be in heaven rejoicing God nonstop and getting to hug Him and to
talk to him face to face.
Don’t lose hope
but keep praying and have faith in Him.
I love you all so much and thanks for
taking the time to read this😊
Your sister in Christ.
-Rebecca S.
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