Some Encouragement

Hey sisters in Christ😊

I have decided to participate in Renee link up this month which is about encouragement and we all know that occasionally we need someone to tell us, “girl, you are a doing a great job with what you do”, or “I’m so proud of you”. Well, I’m going to go really deep with this post to encourage anyone who feel helpless, maybe you’ve lost a loved one in your family and you’re in the process of recovering from your broken heart. Whatever it is, we are going to make it because we have each other to comfort and to bring peace and love into that beautiful heart of yours that God designed.

Lost a loved one?

It’s not over because you will see that loved one again in heaven. God never promised that we would stay on this earth forever. I hate saying this but eventually someday we will no longer be living on earth because once we die, we’re going to heaven. I like to think of it as a “see ya later” rather than, “oh well, it was nice knowing you”.  The same power that rose Jesus from the grave lives inside of us so that one day when we die, that same power will carry us to heaven so that we may see Jesus face to face and rejoice him for his goodness. I have a friend whom I met in high school and she lost her father over a heart attack. It’s really hard losing a loved one but she never let that stopped her from enjoying life because she knows that the day that Jesus calls her home, she will see both her heavenly father and her earthly father at the same time. Hang in there sister😊  

Getting bullied by people?

If people are bullying you because of your race, the way you talk, the way you act, then don’t pay any attention to them whatsoever. Remember that created you perfectly in his image and that you are very beautiful. People always want to bring you down either because they’re jealous of you, they want to be like you, or you have something that they wish they had. To tell you the truth, we are all beautiful in different sizes, no matter if you’re black or white. Be proud for who you are and don’t wish to be different but love the body that you’re in because after all GOD CREATED YOU IN HIS IMAGE😊  

Do you feel hopeless?

Well don’t feel hopeless. If you’ve lost a job and can’t no longer support your family. Or you don’t know what to do. Then turn to god because he’s the only one that can bring you out of your depression and sorrows. He’s just waiting for you to call on his name and have faith in him before he comes to your rescue. Just say the name JESUS and he’ll be there in a second. Leave all your troubles and pains to god and let him protect you and love you. You are his daughter and he’s your heavenly father. He wants to help you and he loves you by showing it through the cross. Stay strong😊  

Is college giving you stress and anxiety?

Girl you are not alone but always look up to god for help and support. In life things are going to be stressful no matter what. But always rely on Christ to help you. Let him be your defender and provider. He wants to with all his heart you just have to let him. Always read your bible before starting classes in the morning and talk to him because he really enjoys that. He can take the stress away and bring peace into your life.

I hope that these encouragements has been helpful to you and that you really mediate on them. We all need some encouragement once in a while so shout out to Renee for creating this link up for this month.

Your sister in Christ,

             Rebecca S.


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