Doing Sophmore Year with Jesus

Doing College With Jesus (Sophmore Year)

eeOh what a semester:) I haven't been able to blog recently because of college and school work but now that the semester is over I can go back to sharing my heart with you guys and how God has been working in my life. Today I took my last final exam as a sophomore and I'm so ready to see what junior year will be like and of course Jesus will be a part of it because I want that everything that I say and do glorifies my heavenly father. In addition, this semester came with loosing a friend that I used to have but more importantly gaining new friends that makes me happy knowing I can be myself around them. Ok so if you're a college student you know how difficult and stressful it is trying to make sure that you pass all of your classes and maintain a certain GPA that is required in order to pass the class and avoiding being placed on suspension in results of your low GPA. Well during this semester God has showed me what it means to rely on him through the hard times and when life is going well. Loosing one of my friends whom I've been friends with since my senior year of high school was really devastating because I didn't know what I've done to her to stop talking to me but at the same time it reminds me what Jesus had told his disciples before going back to heaven. He said to love your enemies and pray for those that prosecute you. All I have to say is that I still love her and if she ever wants to be friends again I'm always here because God is love and if I claim that I am a Christian than i need to forgive those who have hurt me because when I sin I hurt Jesus heart but he always loves me and forgives me because hatred is not in his vocabulary, all God sees is love for one another. During my sophomore year in college God has showed me that no matter how life is going whether it's bad or good, I need to start to rely on him and want him more than anything. Once he returns it'll be too late to repent of our sins and beg for mercy. This semester God made me realize that even if one single person hates me I should have love towards them and continue to pray for them because life is too short to be hating on one another. His mercy is upon me and he clothes me in robes of white. I shall not be afraid nor forsaken for he makes my path perfect. He poured wisdom and kindness into all my professors that I took and he continues to work within me and you because He wants the best for his sweet children whom He created in his own image. So to wrap up this post i just want to say thank you to our heavenly father who has brought me into this world for the best semester ever and I can't wait to see what He has in stored for me for this upcoming semester in the fall of 2018. I love you all and be blessed.

Your sister in Christ,

                    Rebecca S.


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