Sweet Baby Jesus Sleeping in a Manor

Christmas is definitely one of my favorite holiday of the year because I get to put up the Christmas tree with my family and then afterwards I sit on the couch with my brothers watching Christmas movies. Well, that's what me and my family did during the holiday season but as I grew up and gained some more knowledge I realized that Christmas was more than that. Do you guys remember the story from the bible of how Mary (a virgin woman) became pregnant with Jesus in her belly because of GOD and how GOD asked Joseph to be with Mary while she was carrying the lord of lords and king of kings? Well I remember that story very well because that story totally changed everything. While Mary was pregnant with Jesus there came a time that she was  ready to give birth but they didn't have a place where Mary can give birth so they went to each houses begging if Mary could give birth in their place but all of them rejected them. After everyone rejected them they had no other choice but to travel too Bethlehem where Jesus was born in a manger. Once Jesus was born there were prophets who came with gifts like gold for sweet baby Jesus. Years later Jesus grew up preaching to people at a young age and people were very interested in what he was saying. He preached about heaven and hell, He performed miracles, and brought the dead back to life. 

This Christmas we should celebrate the birth of Jesus because his birth changed many people lives and He informed His people about heaven and the things that they needed to do in order to get there someday. Remember that Jesus is still alive today and He's the same God as he was while walking on this earth and teaching to his disciples'.
God loves us so much that he sent his only son to be born in this earth so that he can die in our place, preach to us about heaven and hell, heal us of our diseases, defend us when the enemy tries to attack us, and protect us wherever we go and wherever we are. 
I pray that you have a wonderful Christmas with families but at the same time I pray that you reflect upon how Jesus changed your life throughout the years and how he's making an impact in your life today. 

Merry Christmas from my family to yours:)
                               Rebecca S.


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