What Does It Mean To Be a Christ Follower

To start of, I grew up in a Christian home and was raised by my parents who taught me to always put god first in my life because without him my life is meaningless. When I was a child my mom bought me a kids Bible with pictures on the other side of the page so that I can imagine what was happening through the pictures. The day that I truly understood what Christ did for me on the cross was the day that I truly surrendered my life to Christ because I wanted to be a part of his family and I wanted to live for him until the day that he calls me home. Being a Christ follower taught me to always put god first in my life no matter what because He's the only one who can save me and make all my problems go away. After I had finished my freshmen year of high school, I decided that I wanted to get baptized. Getting baptized was my decision because when my pastor announced it to the church I decided that I wanted to sign up to get baptized. Before getting baptized, my pastor approached me and asked, "Rebecca, what made you want to get baptized"? Of course I didn't say because I don't want to end up in hell with Satan but instead I said, "because I want to show God that I am His and that I wanted him to be a part of this life that he had given me". Once I got baptized, my life was never the same again. When it came for me to start my sophomore year of high school I got involved with FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athlete) and I made friends from there that were so sweet towards me. FCA really helped my relationship with Christ grow stronger and at the same time I gained some new brothers and sisters in Christ. When it came to my senior year I really got involved because I would attend meetings with the president Cameron Johnson and we would discuss certain activities that we could do with people that were interested in participating. This is what it means to be a Christ follower. A Christ follower leads God's children to the cross. A Christ follower is always there for their brothers and sisters through Christ. A Christ follower never looses hope because we know that Jesus holds everything in His hands. If you are not a Christ follower and you're interested in getting to know your creator, your heavenly father, the king of kings and lord of lords, the first thing that you need to do is to confess all of your sins and ask for forgiveness and then ask Jesus to come and live inside of you until the day that he returns. I am grateful that I know Jesus and I want to share his love with you guys. You were made to be a Christ follower so don't let Satan lie to you into thinking that you don't have a purpose in this world because you do and that purpose is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the whole entire world. BE GLAD AND PROUD TO BE A FOLLOWER OF CHRIST AND ALWAYS RUN TO HIM WHEN LIFE GETS TOUGH BECAUSE HE WILL BE THERE WAITING FOR YOU WITH ARMS OPEN WIDE.
Your sister in Christ,
     -Rebecca S


  1. This is awesome! I love this post. I needed to hear this today for sure. Love you sweet friend!


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