Is Sinning A Normal Habit?

Hi, my name is Rebecca and I wanted to talk to you guys about sinning. We've all heard that Christians shouldn't sin because it doesn't pleases our heavenly father in heaven but we tend to do it anyway but not on purpose because we get angry sometimes which causes us to sin but that shouldn't be an excuse for us. There are different ways that we sin and those are talking back to our parents, lying, doesn't matter if it's one of your friends or classmates, insulting others, cursing at one another, and many more that are too much to list. Do we mean to sin? NO! Sinning just happens out of nowhere that when we actually commit it we feel awful because as Christians we know that our heavenly father isn't pleased with our actions. We wish that we can take back everything that we've said that had hurt one another or wish we shouldn't have committed our sinful actions but the thing is Jesus died on the cross to take away our past, present, and future sins. 1 John 1:9- "if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness". I know we weren't present when the soldiers whipped Jesus until his back bleed, slapped him across the face, and made him carry his own heavy cross even though he was weak but we know and believed that it happened because if it hadn't happened then there is no way that sinful people could be loved by Jesus or that we could ever get a chance to live with him in paradise because our sins would just get in the way. Luke 7- "Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, thus she loved much; bit the one who is forgiven little loves little". This verse tells us that when we love others even those who prosecute us and have hatred for us, our sins that we didn't mean to commit are forgiven because god sees our hearts and will forgive us for our good deeds which will be rewarded in heaven. Remember, sinning is not okay and I know that sometimes it just happens and we wish that we could take it back but Jesus will always be faithful to forgive you because he loves you so much up to the point that he died for you. I am not a perfect human being but my heavenly father still loves me anyway by dying for me and he loves you as well. Don't run away from that sweet love that he has for you. Jesus took the punishment in your place so that you wouldn't have to be punished for your sins. Don't make sinning a normal habit for you and if you do sin once in a while always remember to repent because HE WILL FORGIVE YOU! He loves you! You were created in his image and nothing and no one can ever change that!

Your sister in Christ,
        - Rebecca S :)

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