First of all, God is so good and an awesome God at the same time. Do you believe in miracles because I do. I believe that Jesus can heal the blind. I believe the he rose from the dead and He's alive in heaven preparing a place for us for whenever he returns to bring us home. I am a Christian and I'm really blessed to have Christian friends who always point me to Christ whenever I'm having a bad day or if I didn't do so well on a quiz I just took. We all need Christ each day that we're living and if you disagree with me about not needing Christ I will definitely be praying for you because not needing Christ means eternal life in hell and that's a place where I don't want people to end up being there just because of their mistakes. Do you know how when you're outside and it's a hundred degrees and you feel like if you don't a get a drink of ice cold water you might faint or even worse? Well with God it's the same thing because if you don't have Christ you will faint and grow weary. I need Christ everyday. It's like a medication for my soul, I would rather be poor and have Christ than to be rich and then struggle later on. Needless to say, seek Christ every single day and night. Call on his name and He'll be there on time. Pray at night before going to bed and pray in the morning right after you wake up. Remember it's never too late to turn to Christ and this is your chance because once you see him coming from the clouds with his angels, at that time it'll already be too late to turn to Christ. you are loved by him because he cares for you. If you've been struggling and you need me to pray for you just leave a comment below or if you have been touched by this post let me know by commenting. You guys rock and thanks for taking the time to read this.
Your sister in Christ:


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