JESUS, College, and Life

Well, we're in the middle of the semester at the college where I attend which is Mississippi State University so things have been going crazy and everything and I just need to catch my breath. First of all, college wasn't exactly what I expected it to be. I remember telling my teacher Renee Young that I was so eager to get into college and leave high school because I had enough of it and couldn't wait to experience what God had in stored for me once I got into college. Now that I'm in college, it's been fun and a brand new experience and adventure for me but I never knew that there were going to be some challenges once I got in. Sometimes my friends would invite me to Young Life to hear the word of God on Monday night but I always turn them down by telling them that I had homework or a test and exam to study for. In my heart I felt bad for turning them down and turning God down because my relationship with God should be number one in my life before anything. But one thing that I always do every night before going to bed is that I get on my knees by my bed and just thank God for the day and ask him personal stuff that I want him to do in y life, that's the only time that I get a chance to talk to my heavenly father and for him to listen to me and remind me that he's still on the throne seated high and watching over me day and night so that the enemy won't attack me. My mind is becoming more wiser and my heart is being filled up with love, forgiveness, and wisdom.
What I wanted to share with you guys is the fact that God will never leave me and you. If you're struggling with anything in you life for example like moving to another state and you're missing your friends terribly or you feel like God has forgotten you, remember that you are loved by the creator of the world and that your name is written in the book of life so Satan can snatch you away and the beautiful soul and hind-hearted person that God created you with. YOU ARE LOVED BY GOD AND PRECIOUS TO HIM AND REMEMBER THAT!!
I love you so much my brother and sister in Christ and so does Jesus Christ. Always keep having faith in God and hold on to him as tightly as you can and never let go of him.
Your sister in Christ
     -Rebecca S.


  1. hey rebecca! glad to see you're still blogging! remember, nothing is more important than your relationship with christ and fellowship of with his followers. try fitting your homework in when you have free time in the morning or throughout the day that way you can do fun activities at night. you'll regret not going to Youn Life and other campus organizations if you use homework as an excuse every time ❤️ (now you know why i said don't be too eager to get into college because it's A LOt different than HS) ❤️ love you and miss you

  2. Hey Renee
    Thank you so much. I will definitely try to spend more time with God. Thank you so much for your constantly encouraging me to walk in my faith with God. Words can't express how much I love you and how much you mean to me. You are my big sister in Christ and I love you dearly❤

  3. Hey Renee
    Thank you so much. I will definitely try to spend more time with God. Thank you so much for your constantly encouraging me to walk in my faith with God. Words can't express how much I love you and how much you mean to me. You are my big sister in Christ and I love you dearly❤


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