Hey my brothers and sisters in Christ.
So it's been a long time since I've just shared what's on my heart with you guys because of the stress of college and all kinds of things going on in my life from just beginning my first year of college and having all kinds of exams in each of them, but today I've decided that I'm just going to be real with you guys and share what's on my heart. So I've just started college at Mississippi State University and I'm really liking it so far. I've made so many new friends from different areas and they've been so kind to me ever since I've met them. We've had lunch together, studied as a group if we had exams or tests coming up, and they've accepted me for who I am. But the only person who has never failed me, never left my side for just one minute, was my heavenly father Jesus Christ. He reminded me that in life I am going to struggle or face situations that I won't be able to get out of but one thing that he promised me was that he was going to love me no matter what and that I just needed to trust in him and everything will be okay. I remember my first week of starting college. I went home feeling as if I've been running all day nonstop and my body was just tired. It made me understand that God will never give me anything that I couldn't handle. As days went by, It finally came to my mind that God knows my future and knows what career path I'm going to take once I finish college. He knows me so well more than anyone. Even my parents doesn't know me the way that Jesus Christ knows me. So as days and weeks went by I eventually got used to college and knew where my classes were on campus. He's given me a heart of gold and wants to use me to inspire other people.
So basically, I just wanted to pour out my heart to you guys not for you to feel sympathy for me but to understand how God is working through me and how he can work in your life also. You may be going through the same life that I'm going through but I just want to let you know that God loves you unconditionally and he will never fail you.
I love you all so much and thank you for allowing me to pour my heart out to you guys.
Your sister in Christ,
Rebecca Simpore
I love you guys and Jesus loves you forever


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