Those of you who know me knows that this is my senior year which means that next year I will be a college student and start to experience what it feels like to live in the real world. Going to college has been my dream ever since I was a little child and now that it's here I'm sort of ready and scared at the same time. But guys, the only person that never left my side, took care of me, and loved me so much more that anyone was my heavenly father, Jesus Christ:) For my freshmen year, I had just moved to Starkville Mississippi and let me tell you guys that it was so hard for me to make friends and get adjusted to my new town. On the first day of school as being a freshmen, people would judge me for my appearance and not what's on the inside. I remember going home and crying telling my mom that I wanted to go back to Maryland (that's where I lived before coming to Mississippi) and her telling me that I just have to get used to this town because coming here was all God's plan for the family. After a few weeks, I started making friends in my classes and started to adjust to the new school and my new teachers. When it came to sophomore year, I took a class called Physical Science. In that class, I also started to make new friends and let me just tell you that the teacher who taught me in that class was just incredible and she just inspired me so much and the way that she loves Jesus is just incredible. Her name is Renee Young and She is so humble to the lord and is on fire for him.She made me smile every single day and just brought great joy ]into my heart. Even til today I look up to her as a sister in Christ, a friend, and a great role model. I also made a new friend named Devin and he was also a Christian. He was just a sweet guy and every time he saw me he would come and give me a big hug. We took choir together and let me tell you that when I tell you that he can sing, THAT BOY CAN SING!!! That year I made more and more friends and I just thank God for them. My junior year, I started attending a club called FCA (Fellowship Christian Athlete) and it was so amazing. We would meet every Monday in the theater and basically what we do is have worship where we would sing at least one or two songs and then have either a student or someone outside of school that would come and speak to us about God and read the bible to us. Now comes senior year. I'm currently a senior right now so of this year, I've just been getting ready for college and if you didn't know I've just been accepted to Mississippi State University and my major is business so that's where I'll be attending next year. I think that being accepted to State was all God's plan for me because it was really stressful trying to choose the right college for me so I prayed about it and God just lead to where he thought was best for me because after all parents know what's best for their children and me being adopted as God's daughter, my heavenly father knew what was best for me. God is working in my life and he has a great plan ahead for me and you. 
Thank you so so much for taking the time to read my blog and I really hope that it helped you in so many different ways. I love you and may God work in your life like the way he's working in mine. your sister in Christ, Rebecca XOXO    


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