Are you going through a difficult time right now like maybe you feel like god has forgotten about you or you don't feel like you're loved by your family or by god? Well guys, I want you to know that you can overcome all of these obstacles and the only way for you to overcome these obstacles is through god's help and mercy.  You may not know me but I'm a senior at Starkville high and being a senior is really fun but at the same time it stresses me out because I have to make sure that I'm taking all of the classes required for graduation and I have to take my ACT on October and December to get the highest score that I can get. But through all of this, I know that with God's help, I can overcome all of these  situations and finish the year strong. Sometimes the devil taunts us like you're worthless, you don't even belong in this world, and he might even lie to you and tell you that god doesn't love you. Well, brothers and sisters, you are an over comer in the name of JESUS because he created you and will pick you up when you fall. God never promise us that life will be easy and he never promised us that we won't go through difficult situations but he did promise us that through all of our struggles, we are not alone because he will be by our side the whole entire time.


Jesus said, "when we are weak, he is strong" 

You're an over comer, stay in the fight til the final round.......             Music to the song "Over comer"

Hope you enjoy it:) love you brothers and sisters!


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