Let me ask you these questions, how will you spend eternal life? Do you think you'll make it to heaven? Have you been doing good deeds? Have you been going to church and reading your bible daily? All of these questions that I'm asking you is to get you prepare for what's about to happen in the future whenever Jesus returns. Some people don't take heaven and hell seriously. Some thinks that once you die on earth that's the end of your life. Well, if you have no clue on how you will spend eternal life then let me help you out a little bit. You see, god our father give us the freedom to choose where we want to end up after life on earth. He even send his only son, Jesus Christ to tell us how to make it to heaven and all the things that we would see when we get there. I know it's really hard to convince someone to be a Christian because I've tried it once with my aunt and it didn't go so well. Even my mom had to help me because my aunt speaks French and if I explained it to her in English she would have no clue at what I'm talking about. At the end of our conversation, I asked her if she was willing to follow Christ and leave her Muslim god (Muhammad) alone. When I asked her this question, her response to me was, "If I choose to follow Jesus, then my husband will want to divorce me and tell me to pack all of my belongings and never return to him again." When she told me this, it was like she was choosing between following God, her creator, or abandoning God so that she could still be married to her husband. When I think about this it makes me so sad because knowing that if she doesn't follow god, she will definitely end up in hell and burn for the rest of her life. And that makes me so heartbroken and sad. Some adults and children have gone to heaven and came back to explain what they saw and some went to hell and came back to share their testimony on what they saw in hell. For example, have you ever seen Heaven is For Real  or even read the book? Well those of you who haven't, I'm just going to tell you the basic things that happened in the movie. In the movie, Colton, the boy who went to heaven, and her sister Cassie, both got sick. But a few days later, Cassie was feeling well again but Colton was so sick that he couldn't move at all and his skin was turning pale. His parents ended up bringing him to the hospital and they had to operate on him. While they were operating on him, he said that he saw his spirit lift out of his body and that he could see the surgeons operating on him. Then, he said that he went to heaven and saw Jesus face to face and that the angels were singing to him and that he was not afraid at all. He also said that Jesus showed him his sister that he never met because his mom had a miscarriage while she was in her belly. Some people think that all of this is just a big lie and that Colton never went to heaven at all. Well, you might think that all of this is a dream and it never happened but whenever it happens to you, you won't say that it's a fairy tale. Now, hell is another place that's real. God didn't create us so that we could be burned in hell for life but hell exists for people who doesn't want anything to do with God. Some people have been there and came back to share the things that they saw in hell. Some of the things they say are that they saw people being attacked by demons and the people that practiced witch craft on earth were biting their own flesh and spitting it out and every time they did that the skin would appear again and they would repeat the same thing over and over again. Also, the odor in hell is so awful that you could never smell that kind of odor on earth. Brothers and sisters, I don't want any of you to end up in that place to suffer for the rest of your life. If you have sinned against god then go on your knees and ask god for forgiveness and never sin again. Ask him to come into your life and led you to the right path so that you could be with him for the rests of your life and live in his kingdom. Don't let Satan steal the life that God gived you.
Love you so much!  Your sister in Christ
       -Rebecca S.
 Here are two clips, one from heaven is for real and a documentary from people who had gone to hell and came back to share their testimony. Documentary of Hell
\  Heaven is For Real



Which One Would You Choose??!!!


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