knowing Jesus As A Child

Hey, my name is Rebecca and I grew up knowing Christ through my parents. Before they got married, they were Muslims and it wasn't their fault because their parents were Muslims. But when they grew up as an adult, they decided to give their life to their lord and savior Jesus Christ. I am so glad that they did because if they hadn't I wouldn't have known who Jesus was or what he did for me on the cross. I give god the glory for that. When me and my brother were young, my mom would read the bible to me and my brother every morning before starting the day and I really liked it because the stories in the bible were really interesting and most of all I got to know how much Jesus loved me so much that he gave up his own life for me so that I could spend my whole entire life with him in his kingdom. Some of the stories that my mom read to me and my brother was the burning bush, Noah and the arc, Adam and Eve, the birth of Jesus, and so much more. My favorite part of the bible {not that every part of the bible is boring} is Revelation because it talks about the coming of Jesus. in Revelation it talks about how he moon will turn into blood and the sun will be dark instead of giving its light. When I think about all these things that will occur at the end of earth, it makes me worry for those who are lost in Christ or haven't made him their lord and savior. I an so thankful that I know who god is. To tell you the truth, I am not afraid of dying on earth because if I know that I will be going up to heaven when I die, then why should I be scare at all? Because I know that I will be standing in front of the gates of heaven waiting for god to stretch out his arms and give me the biggest hug that anyone had never given to me before. And in the future, If I ever get married and have my own kids, I will make sure that we are connected to god night and day and give him all the glory that he deserves. If you are reading this and you need special prayer or want someone to give you advice about something that you're struggling with, my email is
REMEMBER: It's not too late to make Jesus your lord and savior. He came down on earth to die in your place and took the bruises all over his body  so that you can see him again in heaven and live in the mansions in heaven. In the bible, before he resurrected to be with his father he said to love one another then he said "I will go prepare a place for you in my kingdom and whenever I'm done, I will come back for you so that you may be where I am".


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