
Showing posts from May, 2018

A Relationship With a Non-Christian

Have you ever been in a relationship with a non-Christian who doesn't know Christ? Well, I have. I grew up in a Christian home with two Christian parents but other than that, my extended family such as my grandparents, uncles, aunts, and even cousins are all Muslims which makes it easier to talk to them about Jesus. I remember the day that my aunt from my dad side came to live with us in our house since she was visiting us. Now, if you didn't know this, Muslims tend to pray three times a day. My aunt would pray early in the morning, (and I mean very early like 4 in the morning) at noon, and in the afternoon. one day I decided to sit down with my aunt and talk to her about the consequences of not following Christ. She felt like I was judging her harshly but I was just speaking from the truth. The Bible does say that whoever doesn't follow Christ will perish in Hell for eternal life and will have no contact whatsoever with their loved ones who made it to heaven. I'm just

Doing Sophmore Year with Jesus

Doing College With Jesus (Sophmore Year) eeOh what a semester:) I haven't been able to blog recently because of college and school work but now that the semester is over I can go back to sharing my heart with you guys and how God has been working in my life. Today I took my last final exam as a sophomore and I'm so ready to see what junior year will be like and of course Jesus will be a part of it because I want that everything that I say and do glorifies my heavenly father. In addition, this semester came with loosing a friend that I used to have but more importantly gaining new friends that makes me happy knowing I can be myself around them. Ok so if you're a college student you know how difficult and stressful it is trying to make sure that you pass all of your classes and maintain a certain GPA that is required in order to pass the class and avoiding being placed on suspension in results of your low GPA. Well during this semester God has showed me what it means to re