
Showing posts from February, 2018

What If Your Blessings Come Through Tears

Hi sweet people:) As you all may already know I am a college student at Mississippi State University so I haven't had the time to blog but today I am so glad that I do  because I want to share with you guys today what God has been doing in my life lately. As you may see the title for this post is called, "What if Your Blessing Comes Through Tears" and I got this title from one of my favorite songs that I like to listen to. In this life that we're living we tend to go through some hard times that we tend to question God love towards us his own children. Some of the questions that we tend to ask him is, "why can't you may all of the pain go away"? "Why are you letting me suffer like this if you truly love me"? These questions are one of the most hardest things that we want God to answer but I know that if something happens it's because God wants to show us something to open our eyes clearly or he just wants to test our faith towards him. Rec