
Showing posts from July, 2017

Is Sinning A Normal Habit?

Hi, my name is Rebecca and I wanted to talk to you guys about sinning. We've all heard that Christians shouldn't sin because it doesn't pleases our heavenly father in heaven but we tend to do it anyway but not on purpose because we get angry sometimes which causes us to sin but that shouldn't be an excuse for us. There are different ways that we sin and those are talking back to our parents, lying, doesn't matter if it's one of your friends or classmates, insulting others, cursing at one another, and many more that are too much to list. Do we mean to sin? NO! Sinning just happens out of nowhere that when we actually commit it we feel awful because as Christians we know that our heavenly father isn't pleased with our actions. We wish that we can take back everything that we've said that had hurt one another or wish we shouldn't have committed our sinful actions but the thing is Jesus died on the cross to take away our past, present, and future sins.