
Showing posts from August, 2015


Let me ask you these questions, how will you spend eternal life? Do you think you'll make it to heaven? Have you been doing good deeds? Have you been going to church and reading your bible daily? All of these questions that I'm asking you is to get you prepare for what's about to happen in the future whenever Jesus returns. Some people don't take heaven and hell seriously. Some thinks that once you die on earth that's the end of your life. Well, if you have no clue on how you will spend eternal life then let me help you out a little bit. You see, god our father give us the freedom to choose where we want to end up after life on earth. He even send his only son, Jesus Christ to tell us how to make it to heaven and all the things that we would see when we get there. I know it's really hard to convince someone to be a Christian because I've tried it once with my aunt and it didn't go so well. Even my mom had to help me because my aunt speaks French and if I